32 research outputs found

    Research on Public Procurement of Information Systems: The Need for a Process Approach

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    n this paper, I take stock of the current state of research on public procurement of information systems (IS). Based on a review of the extant literature, I identify several research gaps. A key finding is that little attention has been paid to the process of public procurement, and most of the papers focusing on the process are limited to one specific task, such as tendering and vendor selection. A substantial proportion of these studies are variance or snapshot types. I emphasize the need for more longitudinal research that covers the whole process, and suggest a research approach that focuses on issues such as stakeholder involvement and management, and the application of dialectics

    Challenges of Mainstreaming Telecare. Exploring Actualization of Telecare Affordances in Home Care Services

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    Application of telecare has received increased attention as a means to address the future care needs in home care services. However, the uptake of telecare has been slow and fewer solutions than expected have been implemented. Healthcare employees’ perspectives on telecare and organizational issues have not received appropriate attention in earlier research. There is a need to understand the challenges related to telecare services. Through the lens of affordance theory, the present study aims to explore municipal employees` experiences of TCS. The study contributes to affordance theory by developing an understanding of the collective actualization process. Focus group interviews were conducted with 26 employees involved in telecare services in eight municipalities in Southern Norway. Findings reveal that successful actualization of the seven perceived telecare affordances required involvement of several actors, new ways of working and close cooperation within the municipalities across units and disciplines. Furthermore, the actualization process was strongly influenced by contextual factors. The most prominent factors included anchoring and cooperation, competence and knowledge, and routines and follow-up. Findings indicate that specific focus on these factors is needed in order to succeed with mainstreaming of telecare in home care services


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    Published version of an article in the journal: Norsk konferanse for organisasjoners bruk av IT. Also available at: http://ojs.bibsys.no/index.php/Nokobit/article/view/37/35InnfÞring av elektroniske legemiddelkurver i helsesektoren er prioritert bÄde politisk og av ledelsen pÄ sykehusene. Det er store forventninger til at slike systemer skal Þke arbeidskapasiteten til de ansatte, forbedre informasjonsflyten og redusere antall feilmedisineringer. Akershus Universitetssykehus er det eneste sykehus i Norge som har tatt i bruk en elektronisk legemiddelkurve pÄ sengepost. Implementeringen er imidlertid sterkt forsinket i forhold til vedtatt plan. Motstanden mot dette informasjonssystemet har vÊrt utstrakt. MÄlet med vÄrt studie var Ä utforske utfordringer som man mÞter i kunnskapsbedrifter (sykehus) for Ä finne fram til Ärsaker til de gjentatte utsettelsene i denne implementeringen. VÄre funn baserer seg pÄ semi-strukturerte intervjuer med leger, sykepleiere og medarbeidere i prosjektet. Vi har identifisert et stort antall utfordringer med implementering av den elektroniske legemiddelkurven. Funnene tyder pÄ at en felles forstÄelse av behov og mÄl for elektronisk legemiddelkurve ikke er etablert ved sykehuset. Prosjekt- og linjeledelsen synes ikke Ä ha vektlagt tilstrekkelig forankring inn mot kunnskapsmedarbeiderne. Kunnskapsmedarbeidere er en interessentgruppe som kan gi stÞrre utfordringer enn tradisjonelle brukergrupper. Kulturen ved dette sykehuset, og muligens ogsÄ ved en rekke andre sykehus, synes Ä tillate omkamp og en adferd blant visse interessentgrupper som i mer tradisjonelle organisasjoner ville bli betraktet som upassende. Funnene understreker viktigheten av Ä inkludere sterke interessentgrupper tidlig i implementasjonsprosjekter i kunnskapsbedrifter generelt og pÄ sykehus spesielt

    Caring by Telecare? A Hermeneutic Study of Experiences among Older Adults and Their Family Caregivers

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    Author's accepted manuscript.This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Karlsen, C., Moe, C. E., Haraldstad, K. & Thygesen, E. (2018). Caring by telecare? A hermeneutic study of experiences among older adults and their family caregivers. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28(7-8), 1300-1313., which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.14744. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.acceptedVersio

    Pilotprosjekter i kommunal e-helse – fremmes eller hemmes tjenesteinnovasjon?

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    Studier av tidligere forskning viser at det er et gap i litteraturen om pilotprosjekters betydning for tjenesteinnovasjon/-utvikling, og dette gapet sÞker vi Ä utforske i vÄrt arbeid. Vi har valgt et multicase design, hvor vi har fulgt et sett kommuner som har samarbeidet i et felles pilotprosjekt om innfÞring av teknologi for tilsyn med pleietrengende. VÄre funn viser en utbredt frustrasjon fra IT-avdelingene, der stÞtte i ledelse og mangel pÄ mulighet til involvering, samt mangel pÄ ressurser og fravÊr av standarder er viktige faktorer. Videre ser vi at det gjerne blir tatt lett pÄ pilotprosjekter, gjerne pÄ bakgrunn av pilotprosjektenes natur, der det ikke blir investert store belÞp. Til tross for at det er en rekke utfordringer med slike prosjekter, argumenterer vi for at det likevel kan vÊre rasjonelt Ä gjennomfÞre pilotprosjekter for Ä teste ut ny teknologi i helsesektoren, men vÄre funn kan bidra til Ä styre disse prosjektene bedre. Videre forskning bÞr undersÞke norske kommuners innstilling til pilotprosjekter og prosjektorganisering i forbindelse med IT-innfÞringer.  Videre bÞr man undersÞke hvor viktig IT-avdelingene vil vÊre for norske kommuner, sÊrlig med tanke pÄ den videre innfÞringen av velferdsteknologi i helsevesenet

    Infrastructure and Procedure for Simulation of Cardiac Remote Monitoring: Experiences from the Telemedicine Agder Project

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    Telemedicine are remote electronic clinical consultations using technology for delivery of health care services. Telemedicine can be offered as a service to citizens living at home with an aim of reducing the number of hospital visits or visits to the General Practitioner and improving longterm cost-effectiveness. In Norway, a recent health reform has caused municipalities to re-organize their design of health services, with an increased use of telemedicine. In this context, the “Telemedicine Agder” project focuses on the organization, implementation and operation of large scale telemedicine services. In the project, a simulation of a telemedicine service for monitoring of heart failure was made in a clinical laboratory together with a patient, nurses and physicians. In addition, there were technical professionals and a research team present. This paper presents the laboratory infrastructure for the simulation and experiences are shared from the research project.Infrastructure and Procedure for Simulation of Cardiac Remote Monitoring: Experiences from the Telemedicine Agder ProjectacceptedVersionNivĂ„

    The public procurement of information systems: dialectics in requirements specification

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    When acquiring information systems, public entities face a dilemma. On the one hand, they want to procure the system that best suits their needs, which often requires lengthy dialogues with vendors. At the same time, they are restricted by government regulations that mandate limited dialogue in the interests of transparency and equal opportunities for all vendors. To examine how public entities deal with this, we followed three procurement projects in Norway. We show that this dilemmamanifests itself as a dialectic between the thesis of getting the systemrequirements right and the antithesis of strictly adhering to regulations. Public entities search for a resolution of this dialectic through two syntheses: selecting an appropriate tendering procedure, and learning how to specify requirements through networks of peer public entities. Our findings reveal that the syntheses are possible because the dialectic is actually complimentary, both the thesis and the antithesis are needed to create the joint outcome that satisfies both. The resolution of the dialectic unfolds differently over time. Our study contributes to the relatively neglected stream of IS research on dialectics that explicitly searches for a synthesis while revealing the complementarity of the dialectic. We show how time plays a nuanced role in the resolution of the dialectic situation